Category Archives for "cleaners bristol"

Mar 10

Home Cleaners Bristol new name is HomeGleamers

By admintam | cleaners bristol

You might have noticed that we have changed the name of our company recently. We were never happy with the name Home Cleaners Bristol and have spent a lot of time thinking about a new

The Downs, Bristol.

The Downs, Bristol. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

name for the business. We have gone through a whole list and tried different logos, consulted with two branding experts but in the end we have changed the name to something close to home.

We have changed the name to HomeGleamers® to match the new trading name of our other company OvenGleamers® – which you might also know as OvenGleam as we still have two vans branded as OvenGleam and we park one out one The Downs in Bristol to advertise the business. So now we have OvenGleamers and HomeGleamers.

We have matched the logo of HomeGleamers to OvenGleamers so has the same blue text and yellow star logo. Also we have gone to the trouble of trademarking the name just to make sure that we can stop other people using a similar name. We have successfully challenged one company already.

With the new name we have switched to new adverts, new business cards and headed notepaper, new Home Guide for clients and new branded agreements. In all it all looks very smart and professional, which we are glad about after not having a consistent brand when we were trading as Home Cleaners Bristol. We run both businesses from our office in Pill in North Somerset – the old Cheers Charity Shop in the Shopping Centre.

So we are still using the main website we used to have but we have registered the right domains and forwarded those to the main site.

If you like what we have done please comment here or on our Facebook page.

Here’s to a successful 2015 finding the right cleaners for clients.

And of course if you require a cleaner for your home please give us a ring now on 01275 370573 or put your details on the Call Back Request Form to the right here.

Oct 15

What is a standard home clean?

By admintam | cleaners bristol

The  standard clean you can expect from one of the cleaners that we provide to you for your Bristol home will be:

1. Whole of kitchen cleaned consisting of work surfaces, sink, floor. The floor being hovered first and then mopped.

2. Whole of bathroom cleaned, which will include the mirrors, taps, floor.

3. The whole of the house cleaned; dusted through and then vacuumed through out, and then polished.

Sometimes if you are not using the whole of your house we may suggest that the main living rooms are cleaned regularly and the other rooms on rotation. This will save you money but still ensure that your house is kept up to a standard cleanliness.

For things like the oven cleaned we would recommend getting it professionally cleaned by our sister company OvenGleamers (01275 370571) and then after that asking the cleaner to keep on top of it by incorporating it into her regular clean.


Jan 09

Home Cleaners Bristol Office Move

By admintam | cleaners bristol

We have recently moved office premises and our new address is now 8 Baltic Place, Pill BS20 0EJ 01275 370573. The office is a bigger office and it has allowed us to breath!

We have started upgrading our website to make it more user friendly and hopefully help our potential clients to see the benefits of using us to help them with their cleaning requirements and we will be doing some blogging on our site. Look out for our Ultimate Guide To Cleaning with top tips.

Jan 09

Merry Christmas From Home Cleaners Bristol

By admintam | cleaners bristol

We wish you all a Merry Christmas From All of us at Home Cleaners Bristol.

Christmas is when we started in 2002, so we have been providing cleaners in Bristol since then so it an uplifting time of year for us and we are excited about providing our service to you in the New Year.