Save Time with Systems, Tools and Our Top Tips
Every week the average Briton spends 5 hours per week cleaning and tidying. How would you like some simple ideas to cut that time down?
Whether you do the cleaning yourself or have a professional cleaner coming in, there are some very simple systems you can put in place to save you time, effort and money.
#1. Make sure everything has a place in your home – if it doesn’t – throw it out!!
Yes we live in the age of ‘stuff’, we all seem to be surrounded by it and in many homes that we visit, the main problem in keeping the house clean is lack of space to put things.
Top Tip : Encourage each family member to keep a box in the corner of their bedroom and also keep one in the living room, dining room and study, in which they can put items that need to be recycled. Items that are broken should be just thrown away. But items that are still usable but juts now unwanted should be passed on to a local charity, sold on eBay or resold on at a local car boot fair.
Then encourage family members to find permanent homes for everything else. Once items are put back in the same place every time, the house will look cleaner as there will be more free space and items will have been tidied away. Your home will feel lighter and more airy too and you should feel calmer within a less cluttered space.
#2. Have the right tools to keep your house clean
Men love gadgets don’t they? Great, get them to research the best vacuum cleaner to suit your home. There is no point have a massive upright super bagless machine with a big ball at the front if you need to carry it up 3 flights of stairs every week to do the vacuuming.
Have a look at your home, its layout and the flow in which someone would go around the home cleaning. Do you need a smaller lighter vacuum for carrying around the house or have you got vast areas of carpet that need one of those great bagless wonders. You may need both.
Top Tip: Have several cleaning caddies in different rooms. Keep one in each bathroom/cloakroom and encourage toilet cleanliness daily. If you only use certain items upstairs, then keep them upstairs in a separate cupboard. Stop spending time carrying things all over the place when they could be kept close to where they are needed.
#3. Have a system.
If you’re cleaning the home yourself or are sharing the task with housemates/family then have a system eg Monday – clean bathrooms, Tuesday – clean kitchen, Wednesday – dust and vacuum upstairs, Thursday – dust and vacuum downstairs, Friday – declutter and empty bins etc.
Top Tip: Younger children love to help around the house so encourage them by giving them responsibility to help from a young age and increase that responsibility as they grow older. This will help them when they move into their first home – at least they will have been taught how to clean and look after a home.
If you’d rather not DIY but would like our help in finding a suitable cleaner for your home, please call our Client Services Coordinator Jayne Hardy on 0117 911 5150 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. She is based in our offices in Pill, Bristol.