Oct 15

What is a standard home clean?

By admintam | cleaners bristol

The  standard clean you can expect from one of the cleaners that we provide to you for your Bristol home will be:

1. Whole of kitchen cleaned consisting of work surfaces, sink, floor. The floor being hovered first and then mopped.

2. Whole of bathroom cleaned, which will include the mirrors, taps, floor.

3. The whole of the house cleaned; dusted through and then vacuumed through out, and then polished.

Sometimes if you are not using the whole of your house we may suggest that the main living rooms are cleaned regularly and the other rooms on rotation. This will save you money but still ensure that your house is kept up to a standard cleanliness.

For things like the oven cleaned we would recommend getting it professionally cleaned by our sister company OvenGleamers (01275 370571) and then after that asking the cleaner to keep on top of it by incorporating it into her regular clean.


Jan 19

Finding a Cleaner – The Pitfalls Part Four

By admintam | Find A Cleaner , Uncategorized

Finding a cleaner – the Pitfalls Part Four:
Who supplies the cleaning products? There is often an ongoing battle of wills between different cleaning companies on the ‘value’ of providing cleaning products! There are 2 schools of thought:
1. If the company/cleaner supplies the equipment, cleaning cloths and products – are they ones you like, are clean cloths used at each property and is the equipment cleaned between homes to stop the carriage of dirt or animal hairs from one place to another?
2. If the client provide everything (yes you have to shop for it occasionally) then you choose the products you like, only your cloths and equipment is used in your home so no transference issues and your home will smell (or not) as you like it.
Cleaners Bristol – Home Cleaners Bristol offers clients the choice – most clients provide their own equipment and products.

Personally I like certain products and hate others and have had cleans by other companies in the past when I have come home and my house has been full of chemical smells – in fact I think they just sprayed the whole house with product and forgot to clean!!! I was not impressed.

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Jan 18

Finding A Cleaner – The Pitfalls Part Three

By admintam | Find A Cleaner

Finding a cleaner – the Pitfalls Part Three:
Not checking if they can clean! Ask the cleaner to come and do a trial clean for you before committing to a longer service. If you find they are not up to your standard, it’s then very difficult to change your mind and ask a cleaner not to return if you have agreed an ongoing cleaning service with them. You are entitled to do that of course but it’s uncomfortable to do.
Cleaners Bristol – Home Cleaners Bristol have all prospective cleaners carry out a trial clean in our home – that way we can be absolutely sure what their abilities are and can give that cleaners guidance if necessary too should they need it.

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Jan 17

Finding A Cleaner The Pitfalls Part Two

By admintam | Find A Cleaner

Finding a cleaner – the Pitfalls Part Two:
Failing to follow up references! We all do it – we meet a person, like them and always see the good in them – but do we really know them at first meeting? NO. Ask a prospective cleaner for references – check them out – do not just accept handwritten or photocopied references – follow them up – they may have written them themselves or got a friend to do it (yes this really does happen – A LOT).
Home Cleaners Bristol gain at least 2 verbal and 2 written references on each prospective cleaner – we have to be careful with the team that we have – we need to be sure that they are honest, trustworthy, reliable and suitable for cleaning work.
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Jan 16

Finding a Cleaner The Pitfalls Part One

By admintam | Find A Cleaner


Finding a cleaner in Bristol – the Pitfalls Part One:

English: Pucklechurch Post Office With EIIR po...

Be very careful when replying to an advert that you’ve seen in a shop or local newspaper,  before inviting that person into your home, make sure you check them out first – they are a total stranger to you and you need to be confident that they are trustworthy.

As a company we have a very thorough process of vetting prospective cleaners, we go through a list of questions on the phone where we find out their background in depth before we go and  them in their own homes and complete identity checks.
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Jan 09

Finding A Cleaner – The Trials & Tribulations

By admintam | Domestic cleaning Bristol

A Dyson DC07 upright cyclonic vacuum cleaner u...

A Dyson DC07 upright cyclonic vacuum cleaner using centrifugal force to separate dust and particles from the air flowing through the cylindrical collection vessel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Do you despair and give up hope that you will never find a suitable cleaner?  Years ago (prior to having Home Cleaners Bristol) I needed a cleaner and faced that dilemma – do I find one myself or use a professional domestic cleaning company to find one for me.  First I went down my own route – placed an advert in a local shop and crossed my fingers.  I had a few replies but I have to say I was not confident by speaking to any of the ‘cleaners’ that called that they would be suitable for me.  I lived alone at that stage and went abroad a lot so I needed someone I could trust implicitly.  Back to the drawing board, I started phoning cleaning companies and yes I phoned all of them! To be fair I am fussy in whom I spend my money with so companies that I work with have to reach a certain standard.  But for many of those companies not even the basics were there:  half of the companies did not answer (and had no answerphone), a couple answered the phone “‘Ello what do you want?” (no comment!) and of the rest only 2 sounded friendly, courteous and professional.  Of the final 2 I arranged for them to come and see me – one lovely lady turned up from a local cleaning company and assured me she had plenty of cleaners that could help me and we arranged for her to call me back with suitable days that they could provide.  The second cleaning company did not even turn up!  When I called them asking where they were, they said that I lived too far away from them – so why had they made the appointment!?

A few days later with slight nervousness, I opened the door to my new cleaner and I have to say, that company came up trumps – she was with me for a few years until I moved.  So thank you to that one local cleaning company that actually wanted my business, got me a lovely cleaner and made me a happy client.
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Jan 09

Home Cleaners Bristol Office Move

By admintam | cleaners bristol

We have recently moved office premises and our new address is now 8 Baltic Place, Pill BS20 0EJ 01275 370573. The office is a bigger office and it has allowed us to breath!

We have started upgrading our website to make it more user friendly and hopefully help our potential clients to see the benefits of using us to help them with their cleaning requirements and we will be doing some blogging on our site. Look out for our Ultimate Guide To Cleaning with top tips.

Jan 09

Merry Christmas From Home Cleaners Bristol

By admintam | cleaners bristol

We wish you all a Merry Christmas From All of us at Home Cleaners Bristol.

Christmas is when we started in 2002, so we have been providing cleaners in Bristol since then so it an uplifting time of year for us and we are excited about providing our service to you in the New Year.

Dec 31

Ultimate Guide To Cleaning: Home Cleaners Bristol

By admintam | Cleaning Top Tips

Clock Cleaners

Clock Cleaners (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Would you like to gain useful hints and tips to enhance your home and keep it looking clean and smelling fresh.  Whether you do the cleaning yourself or you have a cleaner do it for you, these cleaning tips will be help you have a lovely home.

Each entry will offer you a separate tip, so you will easily be able to search through and find the one that you need.  Please enjoy these and feel free to share them with friends and family.  We could all do with a little extra help and advice at times so why not share it.

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Dec 23

Ultimate Guide To Cleaning: Upholstery Cleaning

By admintam | Cleaning Top Tips

The secret to keeping your upholstery looking good is to vacuum it often using the brush

I HAD to wash the sofa cover

I HAD to wash the sofa cover (Photo credit: storebukkebruse)

attachment and crevice tool.  Turn removable cushions weekly to ensure even wear.

Depending on the fabric type you can wash or dry-clean loose covers.  If you wash them, replace them before they are completely dry to re-shape and stop any shrinkage.  You will need to iron them in position, using a cool iron on foam furniture (do be careful I’d hate for your to scorch your lovely cushions).

If the covers cannot be removed, have them professionally cleaned, or clean with an upholstery shampoo and spotting kit.  Always test on a hidden area first and make sure you don’t over wet the cloth.

I suggest you dry-clean chenilles, velours, tapestries, velvets and fabrics containing silk, wool or viscose.

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